Use This Simple Technique to Exercise Your Creative Brain

Simple, yet effective

3 min readAug 30, 2022
Image by Abena Talks

In September 2018, on a Saturday early afternoon, I decided to spend the day in Brighton, a delightful, beach town in the UK. I stumbled upon a quaint coffee shop where I met an old lady sitting beside a painting of the Brighton seafront and a steaming cup of hot, black coffee to her left, perched on an old vintage-looking table. She had this Hollywood charm about her. Think Sophia Loren or Elizabeth Taylor.

The old lady was writing furiously as if her life depends on it. I sat staring at the lady with the old Hollywood charm for about 15 minutes before she glanced at me over the top of her gold spectacles.

Her piercing blue eyes were striking and dreamy. She said:

“I don’t waste time thinking, I just write.”

I sat there with my laptop and leather-bound notebook struggling to conjure up the words to fill the blank page on the screen.

I smiled and began typing.

Within 30 minutes, I had filled the blank screen with words, 2500 words to be exact.

